Gambolling like a puppy: Won (KOR) v Rousset (FRA)

Regular readers may have noted that I’m quite fond of Won Wooyoung and his uniquely flashy style of sabre. His match from the round of 16 at the 2014 world champs was a perfect illustration. Having just upset the world #1, his confidence was high. He had Nicolas Rousset on the run from the first seconds of the bout, and had clearly decided that it was time to showcase some amazing stuff. I can’t just pick one. I really can’t. I always say that, but in this case it’s totally impossible.

It’s generally not a good sign when the first hit in a fight looks like this:

[gfycat data_id=”TangibleJealousClam”]

It’s not all bouncing and trick shots. There’s some really nice technical hits in here as well:

[gfycat data_id=”AgreeableDimpledCatfish”]

…and then there’s trick shots. Won is obviously taking the situation extremely seriously. Lovely to see his legendary draw cut being deployed.

[gfycat data_id=”YearlyVariableBlobfish”]

Even his fails are pretty epic

[gfycat data_id=”NecessaryVastAfricanelephant”]

There’s plenty more where that came from in the full match, which has just been posted on our YouTube channel. It’s short and punchy, well worth a look.

Highly entertaining, except possibly for  Rousset.

Of course if you want more Won Wooyoung, you should check this out if you haven’t already. So much joy.

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