So you want to fence like a pro, but also go to uni… here’s a German national team training schedule.

We recently published a little piece on the type of training schedule followed by Korean pro and wannabe-pro sabre fencers. This was considered by many to be mildly demotivating. Yes, doing amazing stuff on the piste is fun and winning is cool. But what hope is there for the enormous majority who can’t dedicate 16 … More So you want to fence like a pro, but also go to uni… here’s a German national team training schedule.

So you want to fence like a pro…here’s the Korean cadet training schedule

Every week, we get another hopeful kid sidling up to one of our instructors (sometimes accompanied by mom or dad) to shyly ask: “How do I get really good at fencing?” In the words of the venerable Mr. Lee Hyo-kun, head coach of the Korean Mens Sabre Team and childhood coach of world #1 Gu … More So you want to fence like a pro…here’s the Korean cadet training schedule